
Associazione di Promozione Sociale Occhi Verdi p.iva 08315060726

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The effectiveness of unconventional activities and in particular of activities related to free artistic and creative expression as therapy and rehabilitation tools is a staple in the treatment pathways for the most diverse physical and mental pathologies. In detail, the “concept” proposed in the project is ART BRUT invented in 1945 by Jean Dubuffet to indicate the artistic productions made by non-professionals or users of the psychiatric hospital, operating outside the conventional aesthetic standards, and valued in the experience of MAI – Museum of Irregular Art founded in 2013 which also hosts contemporary works by unpublished artists, active in health centers, psychiatric and neurological rehabilitation centers, ateliers in protected places and day centers or in atypical and original situations​

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The IDEA underlying «PAINT THE CHANGE» project, therefore, arises from a shared need of the services for users suffering from psychiatric disorders (and / or persons with psychic disabilities who have committed offenses), to implement further on a transnational level, the experience that Phoenix cooperative has initiated as a pilot test at a local level, enhancing the potential of ART BRUT classrooms, not only therapeutic opportunities but also social inclusion opportunities for the mentally disabled, direct beneficiaries of the project activities


In line with Goal 4 of the 2030 Agenda to promote continuous learning opportunities for all and ensure equal access to all, including people with disabilities, the SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES of the project are:


- Improve and extend the provision of high-quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of low or unqualified adults with psychic and social disadvantage, training staff of social and health services about art-based learning and therapeutic activities (linked to Priority: ADU: Improving the competences of educators and other adult education staff).


- Develop skills related to artistic production within the services for psychiatric patients, through the experimentation of the «artistic residences» model (linked to Priority ADU: Creating and promoting learning opportunities among all citizens and generations).


- Promote lifelong learning for psychiatric patients (linked to Priority: HORIZONTAL Inclusion and diversity in all fields of education, training, youth and sports).


- Promote the social inclusion of psychiatric patients through the development of technical-artistic, social and transversal skills (linked to Priority: HORIZONTAL Inclusion and diversity in all fields of education, training, youth and sports).


- Enhance Art Brut and Outsider art, both through individual artists and through collective public art events, with the involvement of the Community to face the issue of «social danger» in an open way and to build and share relationships (linked to Priority: HORIZONTAL Inclusion and diversity in all fields of education, training, youth and sports).

// NEWS ////////////////

>> 21 - 24 May 2024

A results of our project during the days in Ankara. Our point of view about change, culture and humans being

>> 09 - 13 October 2023

In Rutigliano (Bari - Italy) for days of training and workshops.

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>> 09 - 13 May 2023

In Villena (Alicante - Spain) for days of training and workshops, but above all an opportunity for cultural exchanges and enrichments.


>> 21-22-23 February 2023


Transnational training for staff

Phoenix Art Factory - 70018 Rutigliano - Bari, Italy



- PAINTING - Fundación Sanamente de la Comunidad Valenciana, Spain






Selfportrait with words

Sergio is in contact with art since his childhood, especially with music and drawing.

After finishing E.S.O (Compulsory Secondary Education) in Sax, he began the Fine Arts Baccalaureate course in Petrer.

A young enthusiast for the world of the arts, mostly branches.

He is currently fully involved in the audiovisual world, collaborating with the Radio Yanana team. How to say "his head is full of birds"

And he has a lot to show yet...

His next personal goal?

It is all about comics...


by Luca Palumbo - ArtBrut22


>> Kick-off “Paint the Change” project Meeting, held in Ankara on the 14th and 15th December, 2022.


The leader of the Paint the Change project, www.gruppophoenix.eu and the Spanish partners, www.redsanamente.org met for the first time with the Turkish partners, www.aile.gov.tr/ankara, in Ankara where the formal presentation of the project was made to press.


The partners discussed about the reality of their entities and legal and infrastructural frameworks to work around inclusivity of people with mental health problems and mental disease.

Each partner made a presentation about themselves, and a debate and exchange of knowledge lead to very interesting contributions to each others.


Also the main calendar and previsions for the project execution were approved, so the real work plan started.

The partners got to know Bekir Koçyiğit, Provincial Director of Ankara Family and Social Services and also got the opportunity to visit one of the main facilities in Ankara for people with disability and functional diversity, where Art therapy is being used in their day by day routine.


After the formal meetings, there were also time to get to know the capital city, the tasty Turkish gastronomy and the favourite of all partners: the city hammams.

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